What is 4/14 Window Movement?
4/14 Window was being developed after the meeting of Dr. Luis Bush and Rev. Kim NamSoo in New York in 2008, and it was o ffi cially nominated in the 1st Global Summit where 350 ministers from 65 countries gathered at our church as the new global paradigm of the world missions in 2009. When we say “4/14 Window”, it refers to the children and teenagers between the age of 4 to 14. This is the second page of the 10/40 Window which had been at the center stage of world missions during the past 20 years. The reason why this 4/14 age group are getting such attention is because: 1) Their acceptability toward the gospel is higher than any other age groups. This is supported by the statistics that 85% of the adult Christians in the U.S. accepted Christ when they were kids—similar to the age group of 4 to 14. 2) Their deliverability of the gospel is higher than any other age groups. They are the group that most uses social media, like YouTube, twitter etc. 4/14 Window Movement focuses on this group of children not merely as the object of the Christian education or missions, but as the agent of the missions, and even one more step further, it considers them as the partner of the mission by reaching them, rescuing, rooting, and releasing them into another region of the world.
and releasing them into another region of the world.
Five Core Ministries of 4/14 Window
School Building Movement
We should build schools that teach children from a Christian worldview.
We should provide the opportunities for the children who su ff er from poverty to study and hear the gospel, so we build schools in the cities to change children with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sports Mission
We need a contact point in order to approach the 4/14 generation, and one of the most e ff ective tools is sports. Especially Sports has been used as a strategic means of missions as a contact point of the Gospel that will reach 4/14 generations with di ff erent languages and cultures, and through soccer missions, the light of the Gospel is shining on hundreds of thousands of children in Central and South America and Africa since 2011.
Culture Mission
We need the bridge called ‘culture’ in order to deliver the unchanging gospel to the rapidly changing world. This is like going into the middle of the enemy base with the soldiers hidden under the Trojan Horse. PMI has chosen His Life Musical with relevant music styles within our culture today because it can deliver the core message of the gospel by showing the birth, ministry, passion, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ without linguistic/racial barrier.
Global Summit & 4/14 Conferences
World Christian leaders gather and work together to establish strategies and tactics necessary for 4/14 Movement and develop missions resources to supply and spread to missionaries all over the world.
Power House
Power House is a social program that raises the children from the outside of the church with the love of God to give them dreams and hope. When the children arrive at the church every Saturday, they first worship God and then spread out to the classes (Language, Art, Music, and Sports).